Horizontal panel saws are woodworking machines that cut large sheets (even of different materials) and obtain smaller strips or panels of various sizes. The translation of […]

Horizontal panel saws are woodworking machines that cut large sheets (even of different materials) and obtain smaller strips or panels of various sizes.
The translation of the blade carriage, on which the circular saw is installed, is normally achieved using Brushless motors combined with belt or rack-and-pinion drive systems.
In more innovative machines, on the other hand, there has been a shift to the use of linear (or direct) motors, thanks to which speeds, but especially accelerations, unthinkable to achieve with traditional systems can be achieved, especially given the high masses of the blade carriages.
A direct drive motor enables return speeds of 250 m/min with accelerations of 7 m/s^2; with such dynamic performance, the cutting capacity of the machine can be greatly increased, up to double the number of cuts per minute.
In addition to the increased dynamic performance, using a low-cogging linear motor gives excellent smoothness to the movement of the carriage to avoid dangerous vibrations that would affect the cutting quality.
Further advantages of using the linear motor are lower noise, higher efficiency, no maintenance, no decay of dynamic performance over time, and no limitation on cutting length.